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Seeing You Up Again Just Make Your Move

In this post I'one thousand going to show you exactly how to get your ex boyfriend back if he'due south moved on to a new girlfriend.

In fact, this is the exact process that many of my clients who find themselves in this situation take used to get their exes dorsum.

And today you're going to see how they did information technology step past step.

So, if you want to,

  • Learn how to get an ex back if they moved on to someone new
  • Learn virtually the grass is greener syndrome
  • Learn all nigh rebound relationships
  • Empathize the function no contact plays during the "moving on" phase
  • Utilise the being at that place method
  • Acquire how attachment styles plays a role into the process
  • Notice why exes movement on and so fast
  • Conquer the fear that your ex is going to detect someone better than you
  • Observe the actual signs your ex has moved on to someone new
  • Understand the protocol for if your ex breaks up with the other woman and what you should do immediately
  • Answer if you should become an ex back who cheated on you with the other woman
  • Take a look at real life beingness there success stories

Permit'south begin!

How To Get An Ex Back If They Motion On To A New Girlfriend

I started Ex Swain Recovery back in 2012 and if I'm being honest was terrified whatsoever time a customer would come to me with a situation where their ex had moved on to someone new.

At the beginning stages of my concern I simply didn't have enough data or experience to properly advise a person in this specific state of affairs.

I'm happy to say that isn't the case anymore. In fact, I think you can easily make the merits that we are somewhat specialists in handling "the other woman" here at Ex Boyfriend Recovery.

Truth be told the overall strategy for getting an ex dorsum in this circumstance isn't all that dissimilar from what we teach our general situation clients with the exception of i thing.

We nonetheless suggest a no contact rule

We yet advise a value ladder and value chain

So, if yous want the technical approach to getting your ex back in your state of affairs then you should familiarize yourself with the following massive guides I've written.

  • Read The Ultimate Guide To No Contact Hither
  • Read The Ultimate Guide On The Value Chain & Value Ladder Here

To the average observer it may seem like there's no true difference betwixt this situation and the general ones we encounter and so often but I can assure you there is a WIDE gap betwixt the two.

Where nosotros innovate here is with the cosmos of a brand new strategy that nosotros telephone call "The Being There Method." It's a strategy that is entirely made for situations where your ex has moved on to someone new.

And Information technology WORKS…

And I hateful information technology works REALLY WELL!

Now, I don't desire to get into it likewise much right this second because we will be getting into it BIG Fourth dimension afterward on but I still want to foreshadow what's to come.

Speaking of which let'south talk about one of the most undervalued aspects of this entire process and that'southward grasping the grass is greener syndrome.

The Grass Is Greener Syndrome

I've been on record throughout my fourth dimension on Ex Boyfriend Recovery stating that,

Breakups are nil more than an admission of an ex that they think they can do better than you lot.

At that place is perhaps no meliorate analogy of this concept than the grass is greener syndrome.

So, what is GIGS?

The Grass Is Greener Syndrome: Is a situation where your ex breaks up with you considering they think they can do meliorate than you. Sometimes they are proven right and sometimes they aren't.

It's that concluding part of the definition that people often sweep under a rug and tend to forget.

We've seen a lot of knee jerk reactions on both sides of the equation in our time here on Ex Boyfriend Recovery.

And past knee jerk reactions I'thou talking about;

  • Exes who break upward with you certain that anyone is better than you but to be proven wrong.
  • Overreactions by our clients when their ex moves on to someone new
  • Overreactions from exes when they realize that their "someone new" tin't compare.
  • Oh, and my personal favorite, overreactions when an ex tries to move on to someone new merely can't find anyone.

I call back the function of the grass is greener syndrome that'due south often not talked about enough is the importance of the honeymoon period.

For reference the honeymoon flow refers to a period of time at the beginning of a relationship between two people where everything seems perfect. It's usually marked with a lot of intimate moments and fun dates.

But it's a double edged sword because some exes we've noticed literally convince themselves that the way they feel during the honeymoon flow is "how information technology should be all the fourth dimension" and when they realize that, that feeling tin't last forever they accident up their life in more means than one.

Aimlessly searching for their side by side gear up.

It's a niggling alarming to look at information technology this way but I notice it's important on a few dissimilar levels.

Sometimes information technology tin be a practiced thing if your ex has the grass is greener syndrome and moves on to someone else.

Ultimately they may think it is the best decision of their life just they are existence fooled by the immediate jump in chemicals that arrive within a honeymoon period.

Eventually when things level out the true comparisons betwixt you and the new adult female come up and if she'south found lacking and so that's where your ex comes to the harsh realization that the grass wasn't greener on the other side.

Simply past moving on to someone new tin can they find this out for themselves.

Just at that place'due south some other element that I'yard not talking about here and that'south the role rebound relationships play.

Rebound Relationships

Often the first thought many of our clients have when they run across a situation where their ex has moved on to someone new is that, that "new person" is a rebound relationship.

Rebound relationships are frequently divers past their office as not being very serious. Simply put, they are a distraction to aid one party become over their previous human relationship.

I suppose it's all a thing of intent.

Think of it like this.

If your ex moves on to a new girlfriend and his entire intent is to distract himself from the pain and then it is likely that relationship is a rebound.

However, if the intent is to just detect the love of his life and so information technology's less likely to be a rebound.

Only it's not fifty-fifty that simple.

A few years ago I wrote an article on how to determine if your ex is in a rebound relationship.

Ultimately I highlight two specific signs.

  1. How Quickly Your Ex Moves On From You
  2. How Long They Have Been With The New Person

Allow's accept a moment and talk about each of these signs.

Sign #1: How Rapidly Your Ex Moves On From You lot

Rebound relationships are oft defined by how speedily an ex moves on to the new person.

In fact, in our research we've plant that a lot of time that bond with the new person forms earlier they've fifty-fifty broken up with you.

Sometimes it will even be a situation where they go back to an ex prior to you.

Either way a definite calling carte du jour of a rebound has to do with how quickly they are moving on from y'all.

Sign #two: How Long They've Been With The New Person

In 2018 I filmed a video called, how long your exes rebound relationship will terminal.

I noticed that at that place was well-nigh no reputable research out there on the topic. This might take really changed in the years since but at the time I couldn't find annihilation.

So, I did something crazy.

I polled my own individual Facebook group, scoured the Internet forums and came up with my own information on how long the boilerplate rebound relationship will last.

According to our research the average rebound will final 5.2 months.

This ways that if your ex is with their "rebound" for longer than this time it means their relationship is progressing from "rebound" to non rebound territory.

Timing really does thing in determining the rebound label.

Of form there's yet one matter I'd like to peel back the layers on.

What A Rebound Relationship Breakdown Looks Like

At that place are typically four phases to a rebound relationship.

These four phases are essential for y'all to understand because not merely are they important to place for you but it will aid you learn when you lot need to make your move via the beingness there method later on.

If this doesn't make sense still don't worry I promise it will merely hang with me for a trivial while longer.

And then, what are these iv phases?

  1. The Honeymoon Period
  2. First Cracks Begin To Class
  3. Fight or Flying
  4. The Epiphany

Let's take a moment and dive into each of these.

Phase #1: The Honeymoon Period

An important stage to consider because often times this addictive feeling is what makes a rebound human relationship so bonny.

Non but will the honeymoon catamenia allow your ex to distract himself from y'all but there may be a subtle misunderstanding at play especially if yous notice a pattern of him jumping from rebound relationship to rebound relationship.

It may be a case where your ex literally thinks that all relationship are supposed to feel this fashion until the cease of time.

Ultimately what happens in this phase is they are on cloud nine pretty much the entire time.

It besides happens to be the absolute worst time to contact your ex.

Stage #2: Get-go Cracks Begin To Grade

Your ex and his new girlfriend have their first argument or fight and things aren't the same.

Slowly but surely he'due south starting time to acquire the things about the new woman that annoy him.

He isn't thinking of leaving yet but he's coming to the wearisome realization that the honeymoon catamenia isn't going to exist lasting forever and that annoys him.

Phase #3: The Fight Or Flight

So, after the first cracks begin to form your ex will either fight or flight.

And I mean this literally.

They volition either choose to stay in the human relationship and accept it be plagued by multiple fights or they will run away.

They won't necessarily get out birthday just they'll retreat inwardly.

We've all experienced this when we are with our partner and tin can tell something is off but they won't tell united states of america what it is.

Well, that's this in spades.

Phase #4: Epiphany

They finally confront the truth that they made a mistake with this relationship.

They may even face up the fact that this relationship was cypher more than than a distraction from you.

And information technology really puts them in between a rock and a hard identify. Sometimes they'll stay stagnant terrified of admitting their epiphany to the person they are with.

Other times they'll simply leave without an explanation or simply lie about why they want out of the relationship.

So, now that you know all the nuts on if your ex is in a rebound relationship permit's switch gears and talk about the function no contact plays during the moving on stage.

The Role No Contact Plays During The Moving On Phase

As I've stated at the beginning of this mail, we used to be terrified of situations where clients would come to united states with their exes beingness moved on.

But over fourth dimension as we learned more than and more we learned exactly how to handle this situation.

One of the commencement insights we had was with the no contact rule. Now, if you oasis't read my massive guide on no contact then I highly recommend you lot practise that.

Merely merely put the no contact rule is,

A period of time where you cutting off all conceivable communication with an ex afterwards a breakup. The intent of this tactic should NOT be used to make your ex miss you but instead should exist used to rebuild your ain life so that you outgrow your ex. Past doing this, the no contact rule tin can take the added do good of making an ex miss you

In that location are plainly more technical things to consider like if yous share children or work together. We've come up upwardly with a carve up type of no contact in that circumstance called limited no contact but let'due south not make things complicated.

Instead lets look at what the average person should practise.

Generally speaking there are 3 time frames we recommend with the no contact rule.

  1. The 21 Day Rule
  2. The thirty Solar day Rule
  3. The 45 Day Rule

Perhaps the biggest thing we learned when studying clients who were in a state of affairs where their ex had moved on was the time frame of a no contact dominion.

Initially we believed this didn't make much of a departure at all.

But we were wrong.

Ultimately if you lot are in a situation where your ex has moved on y'all Ever need to choose a longer menstruum of no contact.

In other words, 45 days is what you be choosing.


Remember higher up when I was talking about the phases of a rebound human relationship?

Remember that kickoff stage?

It was the honeymoon period, right?

Well, if you desire to get your ex back while he has a new girlfriend and so the absolute worst time yous can begin that procedure is while they are in the midst of a honeymoon catamenia with the new person.

Instead, you want to time your first contact with them when they are in that "cracks start to form" phase.

They'll exist a lot more interested in responding to y'all in that example.

Of course, we didn't come to this conclusion past accident.

I of our coaching clients who was in this situation literally asked me one twenty-four hour period, after completing her no contact of 30 days if she could do another 30 days.

Her situation was as bad equally it gets.

Not but had her ex left her for another adult female but he was literally living with this other woman.

The reasoning for why she wanted to extend her no contact was elementary. She didn't experience ready to talk to him withal.

Then, I relented and let her extend her no contact.

After lx days… which is still besides long in my stance she reached out to her ex and had pretty great results.

Ultimately when we saw the good results with her case nosotros started recommending longer periods of no contact across the board for our clients in these types of situations and saw favorable results.

Once the patter was established that longer no contacts seemed to work actually well we started trying to understand why.

Ultimately we think information technology has to practice with those phases I discussed above.

Shorter no contact periods tend to end while your ex is still in the midst of a honeymoon menstruum with the new girl. Therefore he isn't very favorable to whatever you're nigh to say.

Longer no contact periods tend to finish while your ex is beginning to find the new girl isn't perfect so there a scrap more than favorable to whatsoever you have to say.

In other words, longer no contact periods work actually well in this situation.

Simply allow's move on and talk about the nigh important strategy.

The Being In that location Method

The existence there method is without a doubt the biggest thing we've learned with regards to success in this situation.

And then, what is information technology?

The Being There Method: After your no contact rule is completed you insert yourself into the equation with your ex by competing for your exes time with the new girl. Doing this will show off how secure you are and ultimately cause the new girl to self implode.

Hither'due south the thing nearly the being there method.

It is definitely morally grey.

I'll never forget that I was reminded of this fact when I was doing a Facebook Alive to our program members a few years ago and a therapist who happened to purchase the programme called me out on information technology saying that it was akin to emotional manipulation.

My response was elementary.

I hold… but information technology works better than anything else.

And oh does it work.

Which admittedly is not necessarily a reason that you should do something but I've e'er considered myself a scientist with this program.

I'grand trying to get to the bottom of what works and present that information to you lot.

So, by effectively being there and inserting yourself into the equation with your ex yous can make inroads on getting them back.

What The Being There Method Isn't

A lot of people will read this and immediately assume that the being there method is cheating or that we are condoning that.

Nosotros are absolutely not.

If annihilation the being at that place method is closer to friend zoning yourself than it is to cheating.

While y'all may promise that your ex chooses you over the new girl y'all aren't trying to break them up.

You're simply at that place to provide contrast.

Here'due south what an emotionally secure individual looks like (that's you.)


Here'southward what an emotionally insecure individual looks like (the other woman.)

If y'all exercise your job right your ex volition begin to realize that their new girl isn't on your level and regret will begin to kick in.

Where The Being At that place Method Fits Into The Value Ladder And Value Concatenation

Take a moment and look at the graphic below;

In information technology I basically talk about the "full general strategy" for getting an ex back.

I introduce the concept of a value ladder,

  • Texting
  • Telephone Calls
  • Meetups
  • Dates

And I innovate the concept of a value chain,

  • Small Talk
  • Telling Stories
  • Sharing Opinions
  • Virgin Ground
  • Sharing Feelings

Essentially the conversation mediums (value ladder) and the chat types (value concatenation).

How does the being there method impact these ideas?

It's a good question and i that warrants a skillful reply because without a doubt information technology will affect how you approach these strategies.

The important affair to call up is that the goal is never to overstep your boundaries.

Allow'southward take a look at the value ladder outset.

The Value Ladder Alterations

The value ladder is divers by the dissimilar mediums where y'all can have conversations.

  • Texting
  • Phone Calls
  • Meetups
  • Romantic Dates

The theory is that y'all are supposed to build maximum value through each rung of the ladder earlier you lot move to the next one.

Technically speaking is that the only affair that's different when you lot implement the being at that place method is that you tin't accelerate to that final stage in romantic dates.

But y'all can do everything else, including meetups.

Yep, when the fourth dimension comes you are allowed to meet your ex in person just you aren't permit things to progress to a romantic level until they've cleaved upwardly with the person they are with.

Of course sometimes exes don't like to play past the rules.

Ane of the common things we've noticed over the years is that when y'all "meet up" with your ex they like to plough things romantic actually fast.

In other words, they'll try to cheat on their current girlfriend and kiss y'all.

What Happens If Your Ex Tries To Kiss You During The Meetup Phase?

And then, when y'all are in person with your ex nosotros believe that low-cal touches of the arm are ok.

Simply if they endeavour to kiss you so you simply need to gently pull away and say,

"We shouldn't exist doing this correct now."

Two things happen if you are able to pull this off exactly how I suggest.

First, notice you didn't outright deny them. They'll look at information technology like a deprival no doubt only the fact that you lot say, "right now," insinuates that there will be a time in the future that the two of you lot will exist able to osculation once more.

That little insinuation can exist enough to keep them on the hook and that's what we want.

The second affair that will happen is the ziegarnik effect volition get triggered.

If you don't know what the ziegarnik effect is then I suggest you watch this.

Basically people call up incomplete or interrupted tasks better than completed ones.

The fact that you interrupted this kiss tin actually make them desire to kiss you more than.

The beauty is that you lot've pulled your ex closer to the finish line and held on to your dignity all the while.

The Value Concatenation Alterations

For reference, the value chain is comprised of the types of conversations you'll be having with your ex.

  • Small Talk
  • Telling Stories
  • Sharing Opinions
  • Virgin Footing
  • Sharing Feelings

There's but one large alteration hither. You're allowed to have four and a half types of conversations.

You can only share "one-half" of your feelings.

What practice I mean past that?

Well, with the existence there method you want basic level flirting.

Which is usually comprised of the witty banter, the back and forth, the compliments, etc.

But that'south equally far as yous want to take it.

Of course, this leads to the inevitable question of what if your ex is with the new person and despite that they say, "I miss you." to you?

In that case yous merely say "I miss you as well." Only if this escalates to "I dear you" and then you should probably say, "This isn't a chat we should be having right now."

Ensure that y'all prepare that purlieus.

You aren't giving them the adept stuff like proverb, "I love you too" until they fully commit to you.

Speaking of non fully committing?

What Do You Do If Your Ex Won't Stop Talking Virtually The New Girl In Your Presence?

The first thing y'all should ever practise is non panic.

Don't ask whatever followup questions about her or even entertain that idea.

Instead, ask a question to your ex specifically to motion on to a new topic.

What Practice You Exercise If The New Girl Orders Your Ex To Block You Forever?

The first thing you lot should practise is celebrate.

I'm actually serious.

If your exes new girlfriend is taking this desperate of a step then that ways the being at that place method definitely is working.

The adjacent matter you need to do is stay really calm, and if it's past text, inquire your ex,

"Well, what do y'all think about that?"

Information technology needs to exist an open up-concluded manner to invite a chat.

They'll say whatever they're going to say, and and so I recollect y'all need to say what you call up,

Which is;

"We're just friends, and then I call back it's a little weird for the new person to ask that."

So assuming as well that in the existence in that location method, y'all are dating other people, you lot could say,

"I'yard dating other people and they have no trouble with me being friends with you lot."

Then say the final killer thing,

"I think information technology's pretty interesting that your new person has an issue with this when mine new person doesn't."

Merely and then then you tin say follow it upward with,

"But if it makes yous feel ameliorate to communicate a piffling flake less and then that it makes your new person experience more secure, we can practise that for a while."

Past budgeted the situation this style you'll be able to subtly point out how unhinged the new person is becoming while too compromising and taking a small break from talking to each other.

Then after that small break is over judge what… but slowly become back to normal.

Why Practise Exes Tend To Move On So Fast?

Here'due south a question that you probably oasis't considered.

Why is it that exes tend to move on and then fast after a breakdown?

We've seen this a lot with the advent of dating websites where you lot can literally meet your ex pop upward after a few days post breakup.

What's going on hither?

Why are they interim this way?

The of import affair to remember here is that with breakups your personal internal narrative isn't usually authentic.

More than frequently than not information technology's zero that you lot've done incorrect it'south more about them feeling they tin can do better than you lot.

In other words, the grass is greener syndrome plays a huge office in their decision to movement on quickly from you.

But I've been actually studying these type of rebound relationships for quite a bit and I accept a slightly different take than most anybody.

The quicker your ex moves on to someone new can have some benefits for them.

The latest research in the field on rebound relationships is increasingly pointing to,

  • A boost in confidence
  • A way to help cope with the pain of a breakup
  • A way to become more than adventurous

So, in an odd fashion your ex moving on to someone new apace tin can actually help them go over you faster which adds a hard complication in the equation.

Luckily this is something we've already taken into account with the being there method.

Information technology's designed to give your ex enough time to feel like you're over them but at the same time be present plenty so that they can't e'er forget you.

What you really desire are the comparisons betwixt the new girl and you to begin.

Speaking of which.

The Fear That Your Ex Will Find Someone Better Than You lot

When your ex boyfriend moves on to someone new information technology'due south impossible not to compare yourself to the new girl.

Usually this goes one of ii means.

You feel extremely threatened and more depressed.


You indicate out all the similarities betwixt the new daughter to you and think that he'south replaced you lot with someone who is exactly like yous.

In all that nagging fright that he's upgraded to someone better is difficult to quell.

In some cases you'll exist so terrified that him and the new girl are sleeping together that you can't concentrate.

Ok, so I want to tell you a story and information technology involves yours truly.

Near 12 years ago I began dating this girl who we will call Kelsey (that'due south not her real name obviously just merely go with it.)

I was smitten with this daughter and I'm pretty sure she was smitten with me.

The outset few months of the relationship were fantastic.

No fights….

Pure honeymoon period puppy love.

But like all good things that honeymoon flow came to an stop and information technology came to an terminate in the most typical way.

Our first real fight.

I call back it like it was yesterday.

We were texting and she mentioned that she was hanging out with her friends. This soon evolved into a sleepover. She mentioned it and then casually that I didn't think anything of information technology.

My assumption was that she was going to be staying at her friends firm simply her guilty conscious must have taken over at some point because she mentioned that her and her friends were really going to be sleeping over at Dereks house.

D.Due east.R.E.Yard'S HOUSE….

Who the he** is Derek?

Well, it turns out that Derek was a popular kid at school and ane that my girlfriend at the time had a HUGE crush on before she met me.

I didn't know this until subsequently.

As you can imagine I wasn't exactly thrilled with this news.

My mind went to some really dark places and we got into our get-go existent fight.

Somewhen I was calmed after at that place were assurances that she wasn't alone. She was amongst a group of about 5 girls who went over to this house to hang with Dereks sister.

But why mention Derek at all?

It was downhill from there.

That one experience of her sleeping over that guys firm even though it was technically innocent polluted the residual of the relationship and made me extremely insecure that she was going to cheat on me.

What's worse is that I began asking around about this Derek beau and anybody was telling me that my girlfriend was always flirting with him.

I confront her nearly this.

She denies it completely just does acknowledge that earlier she met me she did have a crush on Derek and that he denied her. Now they are just friends and text occasionally.

I tried to be cool…

Simply it was impossible. I would pick fights with her to option fights with her all because of this insecurity I had with Derek.

Somewhen information technology escalated to the signal that I merely bankrupt upwards with her.

And then the silence occurred.

It was a kind of self imposed no contact rule before I had even learned what no contact was.

I did a lot of soul searching and basically determined I was just going to motion on with my life.

Maybe a month after I broke up with her I got a Facebook notification that my ex girlfriend, Kelsey, was in a relationship with none other than….. Derek.

It disgusted me and verified that my intuition was right all along.

I only focused on myself.

I didn't post very much but I got really into working out. I felt that if I could outrun my romance demons it would be a healthy outlet for me.

I made new friends and cultivated relationships with onetime ones.

At the three month mark I felt pretty happy.

And then the phone call came…. Merely Non TO ME!

I was over at my buddies house watching a UFC at a political party when he suddenly had to step out of the room. He was a bit of a ladies man so I figured he was just talking to his latest conquest. He was gone for an hour but when he came back he chosen me over to meet him outside of the noise of the party.

"Dude… y'all're not going to believe who only chosen me."


"Kelsey… she was crying on the phone because her new boyfriend is treating her and then poorly. She tin can't stop thinking about how well you treated her in the relationship and all of the things you're doing without her and she sounds similar she is regretting her decision. She didn't say it outright but she sounds like she regrets not fighting for you lot."

I believe information technology was Frank Sinatra who said that the best revenge in life is massive success and that'south what I think happened in this case.

I'm going to get philosophical here for a moment just imagine if reincarnation exists every bit a punishment for us. We're forced to live our lives over and over again in a perpetual bike until we can do things the correct way.

Until we can alive our lives as close to perfect every bit nosotros possibly tin.

Only then are we allowed peace.

If you care for your relationships that fashion and your breakup recovery that way then I tin assure you lot that when the natural comparisons brainstorm to get made between the new girl and you so y'all'll have a similar feel to the one I only detailed you from my life.

Just what if you aren't certain that your exes "new daughter" is someone new?

Actual Signs Your Ex Is Dating Someone New

Generally speaking at that place are four signs I tell my clients to keep an eye out for on if they have moved on to someone new.

  1. Social Media Update
  2. They Actually Tell You
  3. The Sphere Of Influence Tells Y'all
  4. They Had The New Person Lined Up Already

I'one thousand going to take a minute and flesh each of these signs out and so we are on the same folio.

Sign #i: They Update Their Social Media

I started Ex Boyfriend Recovery literally about x years ago now and what has fascinated me is how the dating trends take changed in that fourth dimension when information technology comes to social media.

When I started out there was simply one affair that you had to take into account, Facebook.

X years later Facebook is still a thing only there'due south all these other platforms y'all need to account for,

  • Instagram
  • Snapchat
  • Tik Tok

Information technology'south getting crowded in the social media space but that doesn't necessarily mean information technology's a bad thing.

One of the very best ways to decide if your ex is dating someone new is to simply keep an eye on their social media status updates, photos and stories.

If you lot run into them hanging around a new girl more often at that place's a pretty good chance at that place'south an attraction in that location.

Sign #2: They Actually Tell You lot

Usually they won't exercise this direct with i notable exception (which I'll talk most in a moment.)

I don't know about you but whenever I've gone through a breakup and moved on to someone new the last person I told was my ex.

In fact, I never consulted with my ex.

Usually they find out past spying on my social media accounts and so technically I told them through indirect means.

We meet this happen a lot so that's why it'southward important to keep your ear to the footing.

There is 1 notable exception to this rule though and that'south if you've managed to pi** your ex off.

Usually if the two of y'all become into a fight through text or even in person they'll blurt the news out to you to hurt you.

"Oh ya… well I don't even care about you anymore. I'VE MOVED ON!"

Stuff like that.

Sign #iii: The Sphere Of Influence

I've talked a lot about the sphere of influence throughout my fourth dimension here on Ex Beau Recovery but unfortunately it'due south always one of those concepts that seems to get lost on the average reader.

It's criminally underrated considering of how the sphere of influence tends to be in our success stories.

Basically the SOI is comprised of the people your ex surrounds themselves with whose opinions he truly cares virtually.

Usually this ends upwardly being,

  • Shut friends
  • Close family unit members
  • Piece of work Colleagues

I don't want to overly complicate this because technically your ex has different sphere of influences based on different aspects of his life.

He'll have a sphere of influence that is for his romantic relationships.

He'll have i for his career.

I for working out.

It's kind of like finding your own person Yoda for all these areas of your life but I'm getting way off topic here.

Generally the sphere of influence is going to be invaluable for you in finding out if your ex has moved on to someone new.

Yours and his.

If human beings are good for ane thing it'southward gossip.

Sign #4: They Had The New Person Lined Up When You Were Dating

This is something that no one always actually talks about and it e'er astounds me because I've seen it so consistently in my decade of work.

A lot of the situations nosotros encounter go this mode.

Commonly when the relationship with your ex isn't going well they seek solace in someone else.

Sometimes that means they full on cheat and sometimes that means they but rely on another emotionally.

When the breakup occurs they frequently leap into a relationship with that person.

It's atrocious, right?

Well, I've not technically done a poll on it to verify my hypothesis merely I call up this is how a lot of the "moving on" occurs because if yous really think about it your ex probably doesn't recollect they can practice amend than yous until they meet this new person and feel these new things.

When that happens it almost corrupts their mind with thoughts of leaving you considering they believe there is a better alternative out there than you.

Of course they don't shout this from the rooftops because they believe if they do you won't be able to handle it.

If the state of affairs I simply outlined sounds eerily familiar to you then there is a adept bet at the very least at that place is an attraction between your ex and this other culling.

Avoidant Attachment Manner And Moving On

Hither's where things get really interesting.

A few months ago I filmed this beauty,

Essentially the video puts forth sure assertions about avoidant attachment style exes.

Of class, before I cover those assertions I should probably cover attachment styles.

In that location are four main attachment styles (technically at that place's more just we are just sticking to basics today.)

  1. Secure: Basically comfortable with intimacy and accept supreme fortitude in dealing with loss. They let themselves to grieve only know they'll exist ok and heal in the stop.
  2. Anxious: Their whole identity is institute in relationships. They are the most likely to exhibit emotional tendencies and seek constant reassurance.
  3. Avoidant: They require intimacy just value their independence so highly that when they experience it is condign threatened they'll react negatively.
  4. Fearful: Essentially it's a combination of both broken-hearted and avoidant styles.

Here'due south the important thing to remember. Nosotros accept institute that the vast majority of our clients seem to exhibit anxious tendencies and their exes seem to exhibit avoidant tendencies.

Which means at that place is a pretty good risk that your ex has an avoidant attachment fashion.

Men with this blazon of attachment mode process the world differently than you lot practice and that's important to empathise right off the bat.

Here's what we've learned.

If your ex has an avoidant attachment manner then they aren't going to miss you until they feel yous have moved on and there's no chance of a reconnection. In one case this occurs then they give themselves permission to begin romanticizing the by.

Crazy right?

Well, if we operate under the supposition that your ex is indeed an avoidant AND they've moved on to someone else it adds a lot of complication into the equation.

So, here's what tends to happen.

It's literally not until that new person begins to threaten their independence that they begin to look back on your fourth dimension together fondly.

If y'all time your "reach out" right then yous can hit them at the exact right time to get your best chance of a positive response.

This is one of the reasons that nosotros've found longer periods of no contact tend to work improve than shorter ones.

It helps yous time the exact right moment to attain out.

Does It Mean Annihilation If They Talk To Me When They Are Dating Someone New?

Simply how do you lot know if what you're doing is working?

Well, that'southward where this section comes into play. I of the most prevalent questions we tend to get from people who find themselves in this situation is, does information technology mean anything if my ex talks to me when they are dating someone new?

The reply to this is a bit complicated.

Researchers have found a link betwixt satisfaction in a electric current relationship and how often you communicate with your ex.

In other words, if your ex is constantly talking to you when they are with someone else then information technology is a small indication into how happy they are in that relationship.

If they don't talk to you at all then that ordinarily means they are pretty happy.

If they talk to you lot a lot and so that means there might be some friction with that current relationship.

I would like to accept this a step further and say that what they are talking to you about matters equally well.

After all, not all conversations are created as. And so, if your ex is talking to y'all to be prissy so that isn't the aforementioned as talking to you like a romantic interest.

How do y'all tell the divergence?

Length of conversation.

Usually someone who is texting just to be nice won't stay in a conversation very long. For them information technology truly is a feeling of, "I want to get through this" and that's reflected with the chat.

Someone who is actually interested in talking to you will actually be talking to you lot for longer periods of fourth dimension.

Let's move on and talk about the right protocol for when (I'm a positive thinker) your ex breaks up with the new woman.

If Your Ex Breaks Up With "The Other Woman" Should You Move Right Abroad Or Wait?

Your ex boyfriend bankrupt up with his new girlfriend… what now?

What are you supposed to do?

Are yous supposed to jump in and try to get your ex back immediately or give your ex some time to breathe?

My thoughts on this have evolved over the years.

I used to retrieve that y'all should give your ex time to permit the emotions settle but the more experience I got with regards to what actually works true success doesn't work in this way.

Think about the setup I've outlined for you in this commodity.

The being at that place method is cultivated on the fact that you are re-establishing connection with your ex. Normally with that re-establishment comes feelings.

Virtually of the time we are seeing exes pause upwards with the other woman because they want to come back to yous.

In this case does it make sense to striking the pause button?

Now, that's not to say that your ex doesn't demand some time to consider their feelings about everything.

They exercise.

Just not similar months.

Allow'south move on and talk about one of the near difficult situations y'all can discover yourself in morally.

Should You Try To Get An Ex Back Who Cheats On Y'all?

Determining whether you should get an ex dorsum who cheated on you lot AND moved on to that woman is always a tricky affair.

A part of me wants to say RUN but the other role of me believes in second chances.

Coincidentally I don't believe in third chances and that'south the approach I call up I would take if I was you if your ex cheated on you.

Peradventure the biggest mistake I run across people making in this circumstance is not leveraging the situation correctly.

What exercise I mean by that?

If your ex cheated on you lot and then THEY should be trying to get you dorsum not the other fashion around.

The being in that location method takes this all into account just I recall information technology's very important that they are the ones who ask for you dorsum.

Also, I'm non going to lie to you lot. Based on our own internal enquiry (and common sense) if your ex has cheated on you multiple times in the past and so you lot're better off steering clear of them forever.

It'due south unlikely that they've turned over a new foliage if they already have a long history of cheating on you.

Continue with caution.

Bodily Success Stories Where An Ex Moved On And Our Customer Got Them Back

I'd like to end this massive article by featuring i of my favorite success stories, Bethany.

She's one of my all fourth dimension favorite success stories because of how hard her state of affairs was and how she had to utilize some pretty unique to run into success.

Here'south what she ended up encountering;

  • Her ex broke up with her for a new girl
  • He moved in with the new girl
  • He did this while she was pregnant

So, we accept similar a combination of 3 of the worst case scenarios.

Bethany was seven months pregnant thinking she's going to accept this happy family and then BOOM.

He breaks up with her and immediately moves on to this new girl.

A few days later she finds out that he'due south non just moving on with this new girl he's moving in with her besides.

Seems like an incommunicable situation, right?

So how was she able to get him back?

Well, I interviewed her for almost 40 minutes and asked her.

Hither's how she did it.

  • She watched my 11 factors of dearest Facebook Live
  • She implemented the being there method
  • She used her no contact wisely
  • She coached with our head jitney, Anna
  • She relied on our battle buddies system in our private Facebook group
  • She moved on to someone else

So, there's a lot going on hither and then permit'due south dissect.

I don't want to be derivative so I'm not going to rehash things I've already talked nearly just I will talk near some of the things I haven't talked about that she did.

Specifically the xi factors of dear, the boxing buddies and motorbus Anna.

So, what are the 11 factors of love?

Basically on a whim in our individual Facebook group I recorded this Facebook Live where I talk most love and what factors tend to create it.

I've since recorded a like talk on my YouTube aqueduct,

So Bethany basically took these to middle and by her own access sat downwardly and literally idea to herself,

"Where am I lacking? What can I do better?"

She besides coached with our head motorcoach here on Ex Swain Recovery, Anna.

So betwixt that and relying on our battle buddy organization she had a lot of extra support.

Battle buddies is something nosotros only do for our program members.

Essentially nosotros try to match you up with someone who has a similar situation to you and so that you guys tin back up each other.

Bethany apparently used this for emotional support when times got hard.

Obviously coaching with Anna helped besides.

I guess the point that Bethany is driving habitation here is that you can't practise this alone.

You can try but having a support system effectually you is always ameliorate than trying it past yourself.

Luckily, Ex Boyfriend Recovery can be that support system.
