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Can My Subject Offer Knowledge Sharing Eu4


Field Marshal

58 Badges

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  • #1

I had it happen in my Genoa game (where it was pretty useless so I always denied it) and haven't ever had it happen since then. (Why does this stuff have to be so esoteric and why can't we have a button to request it?)

So what are the criteria to get the AI to offer it? I have an alliance, royal marriage, maxed relations, etc. and they seem to not want to offer it.


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  • #2

they seem to offer it after some time.
try to restart if its not happening. my allies allways offer it


Field Marshal

58 Badges

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  • #3

they seem to offer it after some time.
try to restart if its not happening. my allies allways offer it

The only thing I might be missing is to be within colonial range. Does that mean my capital or just an owned province?

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  • #4

The only thing I might be missing is to be within colonial range. Does that mean my capital or just an owned province?

I don't *think* it's colonial range as I was able to get an offer from an AI Ottomans whilst owning a couple of landlocked provinces in the Caucuses. The rest of my territory was in India and Ottomans had no provinces on Red Sea.

This led me to tinker around in non-ironman console testing. Think there's some element of range to it alright

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  • #5

What do your finances look like?
From empiric testing i want to say they never offer if you have any loans and your budget needs to be positive aswell.


Field Marshal

58 Badges

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  • #6

I don't *think* it's colonial range as I was able to get an offer from an AI Ottomans whilst owning a couple of landlocked provinces in the Caucuses. The rest of my territory was in India and Ottomans had no provinces on Red Sea.

This led me to tinker around in non-ironman console testing. Think there's some element of range to it alright

Dev diary says they must be within colonial range. If you have provinces in the Caucasus then you're within colonial range of the Ottomans (landlocked doesn't matter for colonial range, only for actually creating a colony).

What do your finances look like?
From empiric testing i want to say they never offer if you have any loans and your budget needs to be positive aswell.

I have more money than I know what to do with.

I'm guessing it's the colonial range problem and it probably only counts cores. I made a colony in the Ivory Coast because Mali wanted to ally me and somehow had Renaissance but my colony isn't finished yet. For reference I'm playing Kuba and own all of central Africa/Great Lakes and half of Zanzibar.


Field Marshal

58 Badges

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  • #7

Update: just checked, and only cores count for colonial range so that's my problem. Otherwise you'd be able to create a colony and then use it to springboard to another area. See tooltip below.


Can My Subject Offer Knowledge Sharing Eu4
